TV Production

For every hour that I’ve spent in front of the camera I’ve also put in an equal amount of time behind the scenes, crafting and creating TV and video content from conception to final product.

I got a solid grounding in this field while working as a segment producer on Channel Seven’s Today Tonight. In more recent years I have worked on a variety of TV programs and video productions - developing concepts, finding and booking talent, overseeing logistics, arranging filming schedules, troubleshooting on the run and just generally keeping things on track. I find this work no less rewarding.

From experience, I understand the importance of keeping productions running on time and on budget. I know how to get the most out of a single day with a camera and it means a lot to me personally to do this while also building trust and strong personal relationships

I have found that everything in video production, from ensuring the content is visually compelling to staying safe and secure on location to patiently coaxing the right grabs out of the talent, is about people. Connecting with clients - who can often be overwhelmed by and unfamiliar with the production process - putting them at ease and working with them to bring their visions to life, is what I love most about being in this industry.

One aspect of TV production that cannot be underestimated is the importance of being prepared before the cameras start rolling. Put simply, a TV production has three life stages: the first is the research and pre-production stage. The second is the filming stage and the third is post production, where the editors’ talents are unleashed. All stages are equally important but pre-production is my favourite. I love getting stuck in with research, delving into the subject matter, familiarising myself with background material, verifying anything presented as factual and unearthing those unique gems of information that give a story depth and detail.

Here are some of the TV productions and video projects that I have worked on as a producer:

  • Krikke Boys Shootout Preview Show, GWN7, February 2012
  • Krikke Boys Shootout Preview Show, GWN7, February 2013
  • Killarne Targa South West, WIN, August 2013
  • Krikke Boys Shootout Preview Show, GWN7, February 2014
  • Quit Targa South West, WIN, July 2016
  • Quit Targa West, WIN, September 2016
  • Fresh TV Seasons 1-6, Channel 7, 2016-2021
  • New Homes Guide TV Season 2, WIN, 2018
  • Caravan and Camping WA Seasons 1-8, Channel 7, 2019-2023
  • Fresh Escapes Cocos Keeling Islands, Channel 7, 2020
  • LJ Hooker’s “A Minute In” series, social media campaign, 2022
  • Beyond the Break’s “Well Control Wednesday” corporate video series, 2014-2021

In 2023 I worked with local production house Great Minds Media to bring to life the oral history of a prominent South West First Nations family. The Collards’ vision was for a specific chapter of their lives to be documented for posterity and research purposes. Their recollections were filmed on location in Burekup and my brief was to go through the content post production and compose their words into a chronological narrative.

Here’s a short clip:

In 2013 I won a Deborah Kirwan Media Award for this yarn on beautiful Bunbury Speedway stalwarts Don and June Crombie. Bless!

About Me

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