Resumes & Selection Criteria
When you know you’d be perfect for the job but getting the right words to trickle from your brain to your fingertips to the screen in front of you is doing your head in, don’t give up – hand the “too hard” over to me.
Job applications, especially those involving resumes, selection criteria, and everyone’s favourite — the dreaded cover letter — can be daunting and time-consuming. Yet it’s essential to explain your suitability for the position in clear, concise, direct English while also adhering closely to the guidelines stipulated by the advertiser.
And you can bet that the person reading your paperwork will have a healthy appreciation of grammar, punctuation and proper sentence structure so don’t risk “writing” yourself off before you’ve even begun.
If a bunch of selection criteria stands in the way of you and your dream job — let me help! We can do this together. Contact me to set up a meeting.
“Our family dog could genuinely be described as a killing machine.”